Saturday, November 10, 2012

Phase 1 Rail Station

Phase 1 of the train station is complete. I am quite pleased with it. While there are significant improvements to be made let us have a walk through the rail station while highlighting the key features to the build.

The front of the rail station is marked with some features like the
  • double lamp post before the steps
  • flower bed on the left
  • bicycle rack on the right
  • The little yellow sign was taken from the set because it is the 'transport sign'  Lego uses and it features on the minifigure of the train conductor in the Green Emerald steam train.

The facade of the build has a swing door as well as a sliding door. Except for the office side of the building the windows go all the way to the floor. After much 'motivating', the mini train sign on the station is a collaboration with Lauren. I am quite proud of it.

As you walk in, to your left the ticket booth is present and to your immediate right are seating arrangements and to your far right is the cafeteria complete with coffee machine and wall shelf. The roof technique is emulated from the creator sets which allows it to be easily detached to see the inside.

On the rail side of the build there are two doors one is for passengers to get onto the platform and the other one is for the station masters access to and from the platform and the ticket booth. The arched overhead is very much imitating how stations are in UK countryside. There are seating arrangements ending with a bin on the far side of the platform. The platform ends onto the overhead crossing that leads to the other platform.

Finally, when it is integrated at the end of the high street:

Pre Rail Station

Post Rail Station

Close up
Surprisingly enough, I had bricks to complete the station. However, the rail is not in the most ideal colour. Phase 2 will include completely redrawing the rail station on LDD in a suitable colour and possibly trying to obtain them by means of theft/begging/etc. What colours do you guys suggest the build should be in? Lauren thinks that the burgundy used in the existing buildings would be a good choice for harmony. Transport in Lego is often coloured in yellow and white; this is another option. What do you guys think? What other improvements or key features are lacking or you think it would be nice to have? Comment here or on facebook and I will pick up on them.

Cyber-dog brick out.

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